Agriculture, food and life science, and transport
2019 – present

Transformation of traditional business
SGS joined forces with eCommerce Agency Miracle Media Production(MMPRO) and successfully led a digital transformation. They established an one-stop eCommerce platform that made it possible for their clients to know more about the service plans and custom solutions 7/24. E-commerce breaks down traditional barriers of human-to-human business models by enabling brands to provide services anytime and anywhere.

Gives SGS enough control over their services and operation processes
SGS was looking for the right e-commerce platform with enough flexibility and control over their services and operational procedures that would allow them to customise it for other regions. They also needed a more harmonious relationship between products and inspirational content, connecting both of these aspects in a way that complemented each one. By approaching the project this way instead, we were able to focus on creating unique journeys and UI’s which helped drive sales as well as traffic.
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