Oxfam Hong Kong eShop

Online eCommerce transformation

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Oxfam is an international confederation of 21 independent affiliates that works together globally to fight poverty and the injustices that stem from it. The name ’Oxfam’ is derived from the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief founded in Britain in 1942.

Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical and innovative ways with people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. We do this by implementing long-term development programmes in vulnerable communities, saving lives and rebuilding livelihoods when crisis strikes, and campaigning so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them. 


Oxfam Hong Kong




2021 – present

eShop digital transformation

Oxfam Hong Kong Unwrapped card

We all know that the digital age is changing the way we do business. But when the global charity Oxfam discovered that more than 80% of their online transactions were made using digital platforms, they knew something had to change. They needed a more engaging e-commerce experience that would drive more sales and donations. They needed a digital transformation. And they needed eCommerce Agency Miracle Media Production(MMPRO).

The team at Miracle Media Production(MMPRO) was happy to take on the challenge. They have worked with the e-commerce platform at several other sites, and we are confident we could provide the site’s users with a modern, beautiful e-commerce experience.

eCommerce Solution

A eShop operate 24/7 during covid-19 pandemic

With an e-commerce system, Oxfam Hong Kong can create a digital store that donors can visit to buy their products and make donation. This eliminates the need for donors to visit your physical store and also allows you to sell online from any location. Oxfam’s donors will be able to browse their unwrapped card  and place orders online. They don’t need to be present at the shop to receive orders or answer donor queries. An e-commerce solution also allows them to set up a website that donors can visit to check on the status of their orders and place additional orders. This can be done from any location.

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